Lean Suites Customized for Your Company
Training Flow Room Suites:
- Introduction to Lean
- Super Kaizen Deployment
- Change Management
- Strategic Deployment
- Lean Team Fundamentals
- Policy Deployment
Consulting Service to fit your Company Needs
Lean Consulting can help you:
- Increase Efficiency through Eliminating Waste
- Increase Employee Engagement
- Increase Service Level performance
- Radically Reduce Cycle Times
- Reduce your Cost per Transactions
- Increase Customer Satisfaction
And ultimately increase the profitability of your operations. Our clients engage us to deliver meaningful improvement in their organisation at a time when immense change is upon them. We offer a range of services from Strategic Lean Six Sigma Architecture to Operational Excellence and since our inception, we have earned a reputation for exceptional execution and delivery of our services.
Please call and share what your goals are and we will work with you to customize our Materials and Services to meet your road map to ensure success.
Training Modules & Templates:
- Value Stream Mapping
- 5S
- Management Introduction to Lean
- First Line Manager Introduction to Lean Basics
- Kaizen Process
- Kanban/Pull Systems
- Lean Champion Leadership
- Defect Prevention - Poka-Yoke
- Corrective Action Problem Solving
- SMED – Setup/Changeover Reduction
- Standard WorkTotal Productive
- Maintenance Visual Management
- Lean Accounting